Saturday, 23 April 2011

playing catch-up, part two

after La Spezia, Michelle and I came back to Edinburgh for another week of spring break, albeit much slower paced than the previous two. We spent a lot of time walking, a lot of time eating, and a lot of time talking, and having adventures:

We had one really great night out a place called the Hive, which I've mentioned before. It was their UV / blacklight party night, which meant that we all got glowsticks and road safety vests, but they soon got discarded.

(ignore the creepy guys)

we also climbed Arthur's Seat:

(and then found a completely random guy bagpiping in the hills, nbd)

he was pretty cool.

We spent a really nice afternoon up at St Andrews, enjoying (some) sun and playing in the water:

It was a really, really good week with her here :)

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