ladies and gentlemen, this is your brain at course selection time:
(i did not take this picture, btw. the boy did, while i was complaining about something as usual. he is a wonderful man of infinite patience, that one)
there is a part of me that h.a.t.e.s course selection. it is annoying and stressful and it is making me realise that I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH MY LIFE (capslock neccessary).
at the same time, i have to love course selection too, because it is stressful and i thrive on stress, and sadly this is the most important decision i've had to make in a while. i l.o.v.e. important decisions.
figuring out the details might just kill me now that I've decided to pick up a second minor (environmental studies). so now i will be an international relations major with a double minor in politics and environmental studies. important sounding, isn't it? SO worth it though! the fall semester, hopefully, won't be like the last, but if it is that's okay too. i'm looking into doing a research project that is very promising with my environmental professor. with any luck, this could be a foot in a couple prospective doorways that i'm keeping my fingers crossed for.
i wish i had more things to talk about but there is NO TIME because other than course selection i'm completely preoccupied with packing - because tomorrow i leave for the spring holiday! london overnight, paris for a few days, venice for a few more, then the last couple in la spezia on the sea. after that michelle and i will probably be exploring scotland a bit before i head up to the isle of skye with the butler programme (see that british spelling there?)
so here's the question, what does one take for such a holiday?