Thursday, 10 March 2011

let me tell you something ...

about Edinburgh weather. You can wake up at 8 am with the sun pouring in the (one sad) window and feel really good about the day coming up and get ready and go to class, and then the second you walk out the door it will start raining. Then it will be sunny all through class and on your walk home, but while you're making lunch and talking to your flatmate about her upcoming job interview, it will look like this:

which is to say, rainy with a bit of hail.

and another ten minutes later, it will look like this:

which is to say, obviously not rainy with a bit of hail. this city drives me nuts.

pancake night part two occured last night, with much more success this time.

we were pretty happy.

1 comment:

Katie H said...

I feel your pain about the rain thing, although the temperature here is a different story lol. The other morning it was completely sunny, and literally out of no where it poured rain for four minutes. Just four. And then it was perfect the rest of the day.