We went out exploring last night after we got done session. Of course, evening is after sundown and here any time after 4 is evening. We're told that will change in spring when it gets light early and stays that way until 8 or 9 at night.
What's so nice about Edinburgh is just how much there is going on at any given time. Down behind the National Bank, on Princes Street, there is a carnival still going on from Hogmany (which is their New Year's Eve), complete with rides and an ice skating rink and American hip hop music. Across the street an old gentleman in a kilt was playing the bagpipes for money, and double decker buses full of tourists were ripping through the streets. Thankfully Princes Street is in New Town and therefore a lot more safe for buses than old Town, where the roads are barely wide enough for two cars to go through, and very windy to boot. The bus drivers here must be the best in the world.
We also went to see the Elephant Cafe, which is where JK Rowling is said to have penned the first Harry Potter Book! It was a wonderful place.
After exploring for a good bit we went back to the hotel and then out to dinner at the Black Bull, a pub across the street. It was lovely - very old fashioned and with great food that came relatively cheap. Sometimes it's easy to buy things without thinking how much they would be in American dollars (their money is also much prettier). We stayed there for a while doing some people watching, and then a DJ showed up for what turned out to be "Sixties Night." Apparently Brits are just as fascinated with the American 60's as we are. There were about forty Butler students in the pub and when we all got up to dance we took up pretty much the entire floor. I'm not sure if this is unusual in Scotland or not, because not too many others did the same, but we had a wonderful time and when we left it was snowing again outside, which made for a magical walk home, but a much more miserable time hauling our luggage through the streets this morning.
I'm all moved into my apartment now! It's a little dismal at the moment, but I'll find ways to pretty it up and show you all soon :) First, though, I have to go buy all the things I didn't bring or just plain forgot ... who forgets to pack socks, anyway?
love from Scotland,
Emily <3
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