Saturday, 28 May 2011


I'm running on so little sleep it's not even funny. Which means that today has been utterly bewildering so far. After waking up twenty mintures before I was due at my friend's flat I found myself trying to wash my hair with conditioner and not wearing shower shoes, which never happens. The last twentyfour hours have been insane, trying to pack in lots of last times with my Butler girls, three of whom left this morning (just ten minutes ago, actually). We tramped all over the Salisbury Craigs yesterday, Lauren and I, braving the wind and on-again-off-again rain and also a really old couple making out in the grass, which was quite odd.

Then we checked out touristy shops on the Royal Mile and found a million things we wanted to buy but didn't (but oh! the temptation of child-size T shirts that read "a wee shirt for a wee little monster"!), and met up with everyone one last time for dinner. If you ever go to Scotland, do not - I repeat, do NOT - leave without eating a steak and ale pie. They are the best comfort food there is, including mac and cheese and whatever it is that Mom makes best. Visual:

Yes. You know you want one now. I have (finally) discovered my favorite Scottish food. We were all up super late in Lauren's flat, (not really) helping her pack and doing everything we could to prevent the inevitable leaving. Too bad it didn't work.

Four more days, people.


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