and maybe Primark turns out to be the land of your dreams, and it's really too bad that there aren't any in Pennsylvania, because three pound for a T-shirt can't be beat with a stick.
and then maybe you get a kick out of studying in the library the next few days because you keep finding passages like this:
"A striking instance of silence is furnished by the case of Osred I, who came to the Northumbrian throne in AD 705 ... by his late teens, however, he had turned to a life of violence which included the defiling of nuns and the killing or expulsion of nobles. Perhaps in response to this behaviour, he was assasinated in 716."
no one ever said the Brits didn't have a sense of humour.
also maybe laughing at these sorts of things are why you and your friends can empty out a certain restricted section of the library faster than you can say Saint Patrick. or Dal Riata. or 'Crith Gablach.' or 'Tain Bo Cuailgne.' if you don't know what these things mean, join the party.
only i'll bet you don't have to take an exam on them in two days.
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