Thursday, 12 May 2011

partying, partying, yeah!

This last week(-ish), Edinburgh has been experiencing these crazy pocket storms, where the sun is out and then suddenly it is gone and replaced with great huge black clouds - Clouds Of Doom, Audrey and I call them, since we got trapped in one last week on our trip around Arthur's Seat - and the next thing you know sheets of rain are pouring out of sky. (**note: it is essential that you pronounce 'clouds of doom' with the right amount of invocation, or they won't sound nearly as bad as they actually are. thank you.) Anyway, Molly and Hanne and I were on our way from the library to Teviot (the student union) to grab some American-style cheeseburgers complete with Heinz ketchup for lunch when one of these clouds of doom showed up, and within thirty seconds were were feeling the first pseudo-innocent tiny drops. According to Hanne's father, we are experiencing "the bubblies," which is a much cuter way of saying bi-polar weather. Let's get one thing straight though, the bubblies are not fun, no matter how deceptive their name.

Additionally, it is eighteen days. I know, I know. You're all tired of the countdown and so am I, but time keeps speeding up and it's like every morning when I sort of crawl/fall out of bed this alarm goes off in my head. This morning it kept saying "EIGHTEEN DAYS! EIGHTEEN DAYS!"in this really ominous voice that sounded a little like Jeremy Irons but I'm not sure. Personally I wouldn't mind if Jeremy Irons wanted to narrate my life, but if I get to make requests I would like him to be saying nicer things, please and thank you.

Tomorrow afternoon is my first final, which you are also tired of hearing about, which is a fantastic thing! But it is also sad because when again will I get a chance to read all about about the devious dealings of those early Celtic bad boys? I'm getting a kick out of them, for sure.

The point of all this complete nonsense, other than to show you what your brain can do on lots of library and not so much sleep, is that ... well, no. There is no other point. But life is good, and there are lots of awesome people with sweet British accents in the library, and I got my cheeseburger with Heinz ketchup, so really, what more is there?

Oh yeah, and Glee did a really awesome rendition of "Friday" in Wednesday's episode. Check it out, if you don't believe me. Eat your heart out, Rebecca Black.

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