Monday, 30 May 2011

Drop it Like A Scot

(that one's for you, Jule)

Sometimes life hands you little blessings. Like today, I have been packing fanatically in short bursts and then getting distracted in longer ones, but mostly I have been staring at the pile of food in my kitchen left by my flatmates and trying to figure out what in the dickens to do with it all. Like seriously, it was a p.i.l.e. So i had been doing that for a while until I figured it was time to migrate back to the room and possibly grab my camera to take a picture of it, because then someone else could sympathise with me, but I got distracted by iTunes and before I knew it I was having a full-on dance party in my room, because Jason Derulo has crazy powers like that.

But then! A knock! (hark!)

And hallelujah, it was Scarlett's friend come to pick up the blender she forgot, and as I was complaining to him about the p.i.l.e. he mentioned that he was staying here until July, and a lightbulb went on! And before the poor guy knew what had hit him, I was back in the kitchen with a box and shoving things in it for him to take with, and he was gazing at me adoringly. I know, I know. I am a goddess of kitchen-y things and saving poor starving British boys. So that problem is solved! And he probably would have gotten down on one knee despite the large box and blender he was holding and asked me to be his domestic goddess and provide him with free Lady Grey tea and oregano for the rest of our lives, but I was already on my way back to my Jason Derulo dance party. And now my kitchen is gloriously empty!

Speaking of drropping it like a Scot, as last night was Molly's last night in Edinburgh we went back to our beloved Finnegan's Wake to see our beloved Schmohawks one last time in all their banjo-y cover glory. Here is a picture from last week, because there are lots of words here and not enough pictures.

It was a pretty terrific time, as always. They played all of our favorites; Galway Girl, Don't Stop Believing, Fat Bottomed Girls, Proud Mary, and Ring of Fire. Sadly, Livin' on a Prayer was not played, but we made up for it with our rousing rendition of Don't Stop Believing, and that seemed like a good time to make our rock-star exit. The people of the pub were quite impressed with us. Farewell, beloved Finnegan's! I miss you immensely already.

The rest of today is packing and taking care of odd errands, and then tomorrow I'm off to find Dalhousie Castle, home of the ancestors and all that. Probably another dance party or two will occur as well, because packing is just so darned stressful.

Oh and fye, here's a funny snippet from my day yesterday:

creepy shop owner: "so miss, where is it you're from?"
me: "philadelphia"
owner: "oh, so that's where all the pretty girls are from!"
me: " ... um?"
...owner: "your city makes wonderful cheese!"
so. awkward. 

1 comment:

The Schmohawks said...

The Schmohawks thank you for your kind words!

Find us at

Much love.x